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Is Electrolysis for you?

If you have unwanted hair and you are tired of wasting so much of your time using temporary hair removal procedures, then Electrolysis could be your answer. Electrolysis will give permanent results on all types of hair including white, blonde, black, fine and coarse. It also works on all types of skin as well! Electrolysis has been around since 1875 when Dr. Charles Michel, Ophthalmologist, first used it to successfully remove ingrown eyelashes from a patient. With the help of Professional Electrologists and today’s technology, the most up-to-date equipment and methods are being used. Now, over 135 years later, Electrolysis is still the only proven permanent hair removal method out there. There is absolutely no reputable scientific evidence that shows any other method of hair removal being as safe, and effective and permanent as electrolysis. If you have unwanted hair we can help! Please contact us for your FREE consultation today!

**By getting rid of your unwanted hair you will feel more attractive and socially acceptable. It is a choice that will enhance your own natural beauty and self-confidence. It is very important to cooperate with your treatment schedule and recommended after care treatment, so I can successfully remove all of your unwanted hair.**

Frequent Asked Questions

• Is electrology the only method of permanent hair removal?

Yes. Electrology is the only scientifically proven method of permanent hair removal. Electrolysis has been shown to be permanent in over a century of use. Its permanency has been well recognized by knowledgeable physicians and is testified to by hundreds of scientific articles published in the medical literature. Temporary methods such as shaving, tweezing, depilatories, waxing and stringing require frequent time-consuming maintenance. These methods can cause skin irritation, ingrown hairs, discoloration and scaring may result. Some of these can also contribute to an increase in hair growth activity.

• Are there other methods of hair removal as effective as electrolysis?

No. There is absolutely no reputable scientific evidence that shows any other method of hair removal being as safe, effective, and permanent as electrolysis.

• What about laser hair removal?

Laser is a method of hair removal that uses a beam of light to damage the hair follicle and reduce hair growth. The laser is able to zone in on the unwanted hair by targeting melanin (the pigment that gives our skin and hair color). The laser then causes localized damage to the follicle by selectively heating the targeted area. The laser is only able to target dark matter, which is why laser hair removal is only effective on black or brown hair and not blonde or red hair. Laser CANNOT be used on every skin type.Laser hair removal has been around for around 40 years and has only been approved as a method of "permanent hair REDUCTION" by the FDA - not "permanent hair REMOVAL." Laser is able to reduce the amount of unwanted hair, but cannot eliminate all of it permanently. Laser can cause a number of serious side effects and possible complications. Contrary to popular belief, laser is not painless.

• How does electrolysis work?

A trained electrologist inserts a small metal probe into the hair follicle alongside the hair. A small amount of electrical current is then delivered to the probe by a sensitive electronic device called an epilator. Depending on the technique used, the electric current destroys the root either by heat or chemical reaction or in some methods by both in the same time.

• What areas of the body can be treated?

Hair can be removed from almost any part of the body. Some common areas for women include the hairline, eyebrows, top of the nose, cheeks, sideburn area, upper and lower lip, chin, throat, neck, shoulders, back, chest, breasts, abdomen, arms, underarms, legs, bikini, hands, feet, fingers and toes. Hair moles may be treated with written permission from physician. Men often have hair removed from their hairline, beard line, shoulders, neck, back, chest, ears and nose. Electrolysis is very helpful for treating ingrown hairs, which frequently cause irritation in the beard area.

• Are all hairs eliminated in one treatment or is re-growth to be expected?

Deep, coarse, hairs cannot always be eliminated with one treatment; thus, breaking down the hair germ cells may require additional treatments. During the course of treatment and due to the cyclic nature of hair growth, new hair as well as hairs emerging from a dormant phase will also be treated and may be visible the same time as finer regrowth hairs.

**You may have many other questions, so please feel free to contact me and I can answer those for you during your FREE consultation.**

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